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Battery Pack Assembly Equipment Line To India


In February2021, TMAX sold a full set of 18650 battery pack assembly machine to India.

These equipments are used for the battery pack manufacturing of electric vehicles (including automatic single-sided spot welding machine, printer, battery insulation paper sticking machine, 11 channel battery sorter, Battery BMS tester, battery heat shrinker, Battery aging machine, comprehensive tester, etc.)


TMAX company accepts customization, which can meet the needs of customers. The Indian customer needs sorting machine with scanning function. The 2D barcode reader will read the serial number and measure the resistance / voltage. Through PC software, store the data.


At the same time, we can shoot the running machine after the production, promise let you be 100% assured.


TMAX battery equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in lithium battery industry for many years, which can provide you with the most suitable solutions, high-quality services and high-quality products.


If you are interested in this, please feel free to contact us.