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  • Internal Short Circuit Tester Laboratory Battery Forced Internal Short Circuit Tester Machine

    Battery forced internal short circuit tester is a simulated battery under  certain ambient temperature  conditions for forced internal short circuit test, the test box for the stainless steel, the temperature uniformity, with exhaust function (that is, after the completion of the test exhaust emissions). Test  machine control system for the PLC touch screen menu type operation, collecting data frequency  up to 100 times / sec, while programming through the PLC set test pressure , pressure holding time, measured pressure, battery voltage, battery temperature, pressure drop speed.

  • Battery Short Circuit Tester Laboratory Temperature Control Battery Short Circuit Tester

    Battery forced internal short circuit tester is a simulated battery under  certain ambient temperature  conditions for forced internal short circuit test, the test box for the stainless steel, the temperature uniformity, with exhaust function (that is, after the completion of the test exhaust emissions). Test  machine control system for the PLC touch screen menu type operation, collecting data frequency  up to 100 times / sec, while programming through the PLC set test pressure , pressure holding time, measured pressure, battery voltage, battery temperature, pressure drop speed.

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